Metric conversion and web tools |
Web Conversion Online features a largest collection of conversion calculators, converters for Metric and English units.
Here you can find length, area, volume, weight, temperature, date, time, geometric, trigonometric, scientific, health, life style and other converters (or calculators),
distance between planets, distance between cities, area of objects, volume of containers, molecular weight, atomic weight, freezing point, melting point,
world time, time zone, half life period and many more, in Desktop, Tables,
Smart Phones and Mobile formats
| | | Banking | | | | City Info | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Train Info | | | | | | |
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Such as , , , ,
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(Body Mass Index) | |
(Basal Metabolic Rate) | |
(for Adult) | (for Adult) |
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(Ovulation calculator) | |