Discover auspicious stone or lucky stone for different names. A birthday stone is a gemstone with magical properties, especially to their relationship with name, zodiac sign, date, day and month of birth and they have specific properties associated with personality of a person
As per Hindu Astrology for your name Kirit lucky stone is Aquamarine and alternate stones are Chrysoprase, Citrine, Moonstone, Pearl, White Sapphire and as per Chinese astrology prefered stone's is Topaz |
Show more information of name Kirit or Find compatibility with different names | Similar sounding names:
Krutee, Kritu, Krti, Karita, Kriti, Kort, Kirti, Keerti, Keerat, Kiraat, Kireeti, Krita, Kurt, Kruti, Kireet, Kirati, Kirat, Koert
![aquamarine](/image/aquamarine.png) | ![chrysoprase](/image/chrysoprase.png) | ![citrine](/image/citrine.png) | ![moonstone](/image/moonstone.png) | ![pearl](/image/pearl.png) | Aquamarine | Chrysoprase | Citrine | Moonstone | Pearl | | ![white sapphire](/image/whitesapphire.png) | ![topaz](/image/topaz.png) | | | | White Sapphire | Topaz | | | |
For name Kirit, find its Meaning, Origin, Gender, Rashi, Religion, Lucky Number, color, stone, metal, Numerology, Compatibility or find Lucky stone for birth-date. | | View list of Names, and Surnames, Names sounding similar to 'Kirit', or its different Name Variants, Luck for names, Numerology for names, and also find Siblings names for 'Kirit' |