Molecular weight of CaSO4 |
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Compound Name | Molecular Formula | Molecular Weight |
Calcium Sulfate | CaSO4 | 136.1406 | Calcium Sulfate Anhydrous | CaSO4 | 136.1406 | Calcium Sulphate | CaSO4 | 136.1406 | Whiskers Crystal | CaSO4 | 136.1406 |
| Entered chemical name or chemical formula is first searched in database and if found, its chemical name, formula, molecular weight is displayed. And incase entered chemical name (or chemical formula) is not found in database, its Molecular weight is calculated using node-token algorithm. For calculation entered molecular formula is considered case sensitive. Chemical formulas should be entered as straightforward syntax. Examples enter CH3COOH as CH3COOH, H2SO4 as H2SO4 or as Sulfuric acid, CaCO3 as CaCO3 or as Calcium Carbonate