Note: Information provided on this page is for reference only, please seek medical assistance when in doubt
Contraceptive Patch often informally referred to as "the Patch" is a transdermal patch
applied to the skin that releases synthetic estrogen and progestin hormones to prevent pregnancy.
They are as effective as the combined oral contraceptive pill with perfect use. The patches are
packaged in boxes of three and are only available by prescription.
The patch should be applied to the skin that is clean, dry, and intact and not over the skin
that is red, irritated, or cut, additionally use of lotions, powder, or makeup around the area where
the patch is or will be placed should be avoided
Patches are generally applied onto upper outer arm, buttocks, abdomen or thigh on either
the first day of menstrual cycle or on the first Sunday following that day, whichever is preferred.
The day of application from that point is known as the patch change day. Seven days later, when patch
change day comes again, the old patch is removed and fresh patch is applied onto another one of the
approved locations on the body. This process is repeated again on the next patch change day and on
the following patch change day; the patch is removed and not replaced.
Note: Contraceptive Patches and other form of hormonal contraceptives are associated
with some health risk and women are advisable to consult their local health center before using them.
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