
Computer and Technology

Computer Unit Conversion
Conversion of computer memory (RAM, Hard disk) measurement unit between Bit, Nibble, Byte, Kilobyte (KB), Megabyte (MB), Gigabyte (GB), Terabyte (TB), Petabyte (PB)

Number Conversion
Conversion of numbers between Decimal, Binary, Ternary, Quintal, Octal, Duodecimal, Hexadecimal, Base36, Roman numbering system

Image Resolution Conversion
Conversion of Image resolution (size) between Dots per meter(dpm), Dots per mm(dpmm), Dots per cm(dpcm), Dots per inch(dpi), Pixel per inch(ppi) and many more

Data Transfer Conversion
Conversion of data transfer rate (also called bit rate or data rate) between Bits per second, Byte per second, Kilobit per second, Kibibit per second, Kilobyte per second, Kibibyte per second, Megabit per second, Mebibit per second, Megabyte per second, Mebibyte per second, Gigabit per second, Gibibit per second, Gigabyte per second, Gibibyte per second, Terabit per second, Tebibit per second, Terabyte per second, Tebibyte per second, Ethernet(10M), Ethernet(100M), Ethernet(1000M), Modem(28.8K), Modem(33.6K), Modem(56K) and many more

Display Resolutions for Computers, Television, Digital Videos
Find aspect ratio, resolution, width, height, popularity, total pixels for different display standards, Computer monitors, Computer graphics, Analog TV, Digital movies, Digital videos, Video conferencing and more

Speed of common Devices, Peripheral, Protocols
Find speed of sound, light, electricity, speed of different computer devices, peripherals, protocols, upload and download speed, bit rate and more

HTML Color codes and its Gray scale equivalent
Find Color name, html color code, hex value of RGB code and hex value of its equivalent grey scale for different colors

HTML Entity Name and Number for non ASCII characters
Find Entity Name, Entity Number, Character for HTML special characters ,Math Symbols, Greek Letters, Reserved characters, ISO 8859-1 symbols, ISO 8859-1 characters and more

What is my IP
Find detailed information of your IP, hostname, language, manufacturer, model, operating system, service provider and location of your computer

What is my user agent
Find your device user-agent, agent family, operating system, features, manufacturer, make, model, screen dimension, character size, IP, hostname of your computer, handheld, mobile or tablet

Information of my device
Find information of your device such as its Manufacturer, model, operating system, advance HTML/XML compatibility, screen dimension, character size, language, IP, hostname, user agent, agent family and other information

IP lookup
Find Host name, Domain name, City, State, Region, Country, Country code, Time zone, Longitude, Latitude, service provider and Location Map of any IP address

Frequency Conversion
Conversion between nearly 15 different  frequency measurement units

Sound Conversion
Conversion between Bel (B), Decibel (dB), Neper (Np) and other sound measurement unit

Prefix Conversion
Conversion between unit prefix such as Atto(a), Centi(c), Deca(da), Deci(d), Exa(E), Femto(f), Giga(G), Hecto(h), Kilo(K), Mega(M), Micro(μ), Milli(m), Nano(n), Peta(P), Pico(p), Tera(T), Yocto(y), Yotta(Y), Zepto(z), Zetta(Z)

Frequency to Wavelength
Find wavelength of electromagnetic radiation, sound, ultrasonic sound waves at different frequency in different medium such as Space, Vacuum, Air, Water, Electric conductors
Electric Current Conversion
Conversion between nearly 30 different  electric current measurement units

Electric Capacitance Conversion
Conversion between nearly 25 different  electric capacitance measurement units

Charge Conversion
Conversion between Ampere Hour, Ampere Minute, Ampere Second, Coulomb, Abcoulomb, Kilocoulomb, Megacoulomb, Microcoulomb, Millicoulomb, Nanocoulomb, Picocoulomb, Statcoulomb, Elementary Charge, EMU, ESU, Faraday, Franklin and many more

Linear Charge Density Conversion
Conversion between Coulomb/meter, Coulomb/cm, Coulomb/Inch, Abcoulomb/meter, Abcoulomb/cm, Abcoulomb/Inch and many more

Surface Charge Density Conversion
Conversion between Coulomb/meter2, Coulomb/cm2, Coulomb/inch2, Abcoulomb/meter2, Abcoulomb/cm2, Abcoulomb/inch2 and many more

Volume Charge Density Conversion
Conversion between Coulomb/meter3, Coulomb/cm3, Coulomb/inch3, Abcoulomb/meter3, Abcoulomb/cm3, Abcoulomb/cm3 and many more

Linear Current Density Conversion
Conversion between Ampere/meter, Ampere/cm, Ampere/inch, Abampere/meter, Abampere/cm, Abampere/inch, Oersted, Gilbert/cm and many more

Surface Current Density Conversion
Conversion between Ampere/meter2, Ampere/cm2, Ampere/inch2, Ampere/mil2, Abampere/cm2 and many more

Electric Field Strength Conversion
Conversion between Volt/meter, Kilovolt/meter, Kilovolt/cm, Volt/cm, Millivolt/meter, Microvolt/meter, Kilovolt/inch, Volt/inch, Volt/mil, Abvolt/cm, Statvolt/cm, Statvolt/inch, Newton/Coulomb and many more

Electric Potential Conversion
Conversion between Volt, Watt/Ampere, Abvolt, EMU, Statvolt, ESU and many more

Electric Resistance Conversion
Conversion between MicroOhm, MilliOhm, Ohm, KiloOhm, MegaOhm, AbOhm, Volt/Ampere, Kilovolt/Ampere, Kilovolt/KiloAmp, Millivolt/milliAmp and many more

Electric Resistivity Conversion
Conversion between Ohm-Meter, Ohm-Cm, Ohm-Inch, MicroOhm-Cm, MicroOhm-Inch, Abohm-Cm, Statohm-Cm and many more

Electric Conductance Conversion
Conversion between Siemens, Megasiemens, Kilosiemens, Millisiemens, Microsiemens, Ampere / Volt, Mho, Gemmho, Micromho, Abmho, Statmho and many more

Electric Conductivity Conversion
Conversion between Siemens/meter, Picosiemens/meter, Mho/meter, Mho/cm, Abmho/meter, Abmho/cm, Statmho/meter, Statmho/cm and many more

Inductance Conversion
Conversion between Weber/Ampere, Henry, Terahenry, Gigahenry, Megahenry, Kilohenry, Hectohenry, Decahenry, Decihenry, Centihenry, Millihenry, Microhenry, Nanohenry, Picohenry, Abhenry, Stathenry and many more
Magnetomotive Force Conversion
Conversion between Gilbert, Ampere Turn, Kiloampere Turn, Milliampere Turn, Abampere Turn and many more

Magnetic Field Strength Conversion
Conversion between Ampere/meter, Ampere-Turn/meter, Kiloampere/meter, Oersted and many more

Magnetic Flux Conversion
Conversion between Weber, Milliweber, Microweber, Volt-second, Unit Pole, Megaline, Kiloline, Line, Maxwell, Tesla square meter, Tesla square centimeter, Gauss square centimeter, Magnetic Flux Quantum and many more

Magnetic Flux Density Conversion
Conversion between Gamma, Gauss, Line/cm2, Line/inch2, Maxwell/cm2, Maxwell/inch2, Maxwell/meter2, Tesla, Weber/cm2, Weber/inch2, Weber/meter2 and many more
Supported Conversion Types ...
Angular AccelerationAngular Velocity
AreaBlood Sugar
Clothing SizeComputer Storage Unit
Cooking VolumeCooking Weight
Data Transfer RateDate
DensityDynamic Viscocity
Electric CapacitanceElectric Charge
Electric ConductanceElectric Conductivity
Electric CurrentElectric Field Strength
Electric PotentialElectric Resistance
Electric ResistivityEnergy
Energy DensityEnergy Mass
Euro CurrencyFluid Concentration
Fluid Flow RateFluid Mass Flow Rate
Fuel EconomyHeat Capacity
Heat DensityHeat Flux
Heat Transfer CoefficientIllumination
Image ResolutionInductance
Kinematic ViscosityLength
Luminance (Light)Light Intensity
Linear Charge DensityLinear Current Density
Magnetic Field StrengthMagnetic Flux
Magnetic Flux DensityMagnetomotive Force
Mass Flux DensityMolar Concentration
Molar Flow RateMoment of Inertia
Radiation AbsorbedRadiation Exposure
RadioactivityShoe Size
SoundSpecific Volume
SpeedSurface Charge Density
Surface Current DensitySurface Tension
TemperatureThermal Conductivity
Thermal ExpansionThermal Resistance
VolumeVolume Charge Density
Water Oil ViscosityWeight
Topic of Interest ...
AreaAstrologyBaby Names
BankingBirth ControlChemistry
Chinese AstrologyCity InfoElectricity
TemperatureTime & DateTrain Info
VolumeWeightWorld Clock
Zodiac AstrologyOther 
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