
World Clock, Tools and Calculators

World Time
Find current time in different cities around the world

Zone Time
Find current time in different time zones around the world

Local Time
Search current time in different cities or town around the world

Sunrise / Sunset Calculator
Find the exact time for sunrise and sunset in your city, around the year

Moonrise / Moonset Calculator
Find the exact time for moonrise and moonset in your city, around the year

Planet Position Calculator
Find the exact rise and setting time for different planets in our solar system, around the year

Calendar Creator
Create Calendar for any month or year

Holiday List
Find list of holidays in a year in different countries

World Days
Find list of commemorative days, dates, weeks, months, years and decades in different countries

World Weather
Find local weather in different parts of the world

Date Conversion
Conversion between English, Chinese, East Asian, Gregorian, Hebrew, Hijri, Islamic, Japanese, Julian, Korean, Persian, Saudi Hijri (Um Al Qura), Taiwanese, Thai Buddhist and other calendars

Time Conversion
Conversion between Metric, English, Imperial date and time units. Support conversions between Millisecond, Second, Minute, Hour, Day, Week, Fortnight, Month, Quarter, Year, Decade, Century, Millennium and many more
Date Calculators and Tools
Find half life period of different elements
Find half life period of different radioactive isotopes of different elements, find its decay type and list of particle emitted

Leap Year calculator
Find if the entered year is a leap year

Find numbers of days between two dates
Find number of days between two different dates

Find time elapsed between two dates (or time)
Find time difference between two dates or time

Find days elapsed since specified date
Find number of days and time past since a particular date
Trick: find how old are you in exact days and time

Calculate the Day and Week number
Find day of year and week number for a particular date

Calculate Day of Week
Find which day is the date (like date '01-Jan-2000' is Saturday)

Calculate Day of Year
Find day of year or a particular date

Calculate Days left to date
Find how many days are left to date

Calculate Time left to date
Find how much time left for a date

Convert Date to Time
Convert date to time since beginning of year
Supported Conversion Types ...
Angular AccelerationAngular Velocity
AreaBlood Sugar
Clothing SizeComputer Storage Unit
Cooking VolumeCooking Weight
Data Transfer RateDate
DensityDynamic Viscocity
Electric CapacitanceElectric Charge
Electric ConductanceElectric Conductivity
Electric CurrentElectric Field Strength
Electric PotentialElectric Resistance
Electric ResistivityEnergy
Energy DensityEnergy Mass
Euro CurrencyFluid Concentration
Fluid Flow RateFluid Mass Flow Rate
Fuel EconomyHeat Capacity
Heat DensityHeat Flux
Heat Transfer CoefficientIllumination
Image ResolutionInductance
Kinematic ViscosityLength
Luminance (Light)Light Intensity
Linear Charge DensityLinear Current Density
Magnetic Field StrengthMagnetic Flux
Magnetic Flux DensityMagnetomotive Force
Mass Flux DensityMolar Concentration
Molar Flow RateMoment of Inertia
Radiation AbsorbedRadiation Exposure
RadioactivityShoe Size
SoundSpecific Volume
SpeedSurface Charge Density
Surface Current DensitySurface Tension
TemperatureThermal Conductivity
Thermal ExpansionThermal Resistance
VolumeVolume Charge Density
Water Oil ViscosityWeight
Topic of Interest ...
AreaAstrologyBaby Names
BankingBirth ControlChemistry
Chinese AstrologyCity InfoElectricity
TemperatureTime & DateTrain Info
VolumeWeightWorld Clock
Zodiac AstrologyOther 
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List of Metric, English & Local Units
Definition of different measurement units
Conversion Wizards

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