Note: Information provided on this page is for general education only, growth of baby inside womb depends upon many factors and growth of your baby may differ slightly than indicated below, please seek medical advice whenever in doubt.
In this week ...
- Baby can officially be called a fetus.
- The baby's hind brain is clearly visible and brainwave activity starts. Lungs, ears, eyes, upper lip and nose starts to form.
- Baby's gonads will become either testes or ovaries.
- Toe rays become present, almost ready for you to count; there are small definitions on their paddle like feet and hands where their toes and fingers will be. Fingers and toes begin to form and are webbed. Elbows appear and the process of ossification or hardening of the bones begins.
- Baby is finally losing its little tail, but has a big forehead and a little body. In the next few weeks the body will lengthen and those limbs which were so tiny now will grow and take shape.
- Baby develops a tip on the end of its nose. Its fingers, toes and lips, eyelids and legs are becoming more clearly defined. Its eyes look to be positioned very far apart and more to the side of their face than where they will eventually be.
- Valves in baby's heart are now present and the passages which will help air flow from their throat to their lungs have formed.
- Baby is making little involuntary movements, though these are so small you won't be even conscious of them. It is still in a C shape, similar to a kidney bean but flickers and jumps around inside your uterus. The body is beginning to straighten, and subtle movements begin.
- Baby will grow to average length of about ¾ inch or 1.6 centimeter Crown to Rump (CR) and weighs about 0.04 ounce or 1 gram towards the ends of this week.